Why use a bond originator?

A bond originator’s job is to secure the best possible home loan for a home buyer.

First of all, they get the necessary documents from the buyer. They help the buyer to complete the home loan application. Next, they submit the application to the major banks.

They have specialised knowledge and connections. This lets them get the best possible home loan deal at the lowest interest rate.

Bond originators create increased competition between the banks. This is to the benefit of the buyer.

The bank that grants the loan pays a fee to the bond originator, so this is a free service to the applicant.

Bond originators help purchasers by getting them the best deal. They show buyers the different financial products which are currently available.

Bond originators are also aware of the goings-on with various financial institutions. They understand the criteria for lending. For example, Nedbank is one of the few banks that offer finance for share-block deals.

Another common product is a revolving credit facility. This enables the property owner to borrow against the amount already paid into the loan.

The bottom line is that bond originators have simplified the process. They source the most suitable finance for prospective property buyers.

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Applying for a loan isn’t scary…

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