What To Do If You Are STUCK Selling Your Property

Some houses might be on the market for months before finding a buyer.

Is the process taking much longer than you expected?

There are some remedies you could try to make your house more attractive to buyers.

The most important thing is always the price.

What prices are other sellers asking for similar properties?

Give serious thought to the price you are asking in comparison to them.

If you’re asking above the average, it’s time to be more realistic.

Consider dropping the price by 4% or 5%. This small sacrifice can make a big difference in speeding up the sale.

You should also look at the marketing.

Have some fresh pictures taken and rewrite the text of any online or print advertising.

Always make sure to present your home in the best light possible from the start.

If your estate agent’s mandate has expired, think about getting a new agent.

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