Tips To Beware Of When House Hunting

Don’t get overcome by emotion. For example, an exquisite chandelier in the lounge can be a deal-maker. Don’t let it distract you from shortcomings in other areas.

Be aware of the essential number of bedrooms required, as well as your future family plans.

If you like a home when you first view it – ask for a second viewing. You may have missed some important features or issues you didn’t notice on your first viewing.

View it at different times i.e. in daylight and in the evening. Bear in mind that traffic may vary during the day and during the week, and make sure that it won’t be a problem.

Picture how your furniture and other possessions will fit in the property. Measure key areas like living and dining rooms and the kitchen.

Know what your budget is – if you’re not sure, engage the services of a bond originator. This will save you much valuable time and energy.

Try to visualize any structural alterations that you may want to do.

Ask for the plans of the house and also ask if there have been any alterations done. If there have, make sure they are council approved.

Make a list of “must-haves” e.g. how many bedrooms, bathrooms and whether a staff room and patio are essential.

Make a list of “nice to haves” e.g. open plan living areas, work-from-home office, swimming pool, etc.

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