Timing When Selling A Property

How much time do you have, when deciding to sell a property?

Time waits for no-one. One needs to invest in time…

So the longer it takes to sell a home… the bigger the loss in investment.

You could have used your money more effectively had you sold sooner? Yes?

When you invest money in a property, you would expect to get a return on the investment.

Selling a property faster will free you up to find another one much sooner.

The time you will gain will outweigh the time you invested in waiting for a sale to happen.

For how many months can you afford to keep paying the upkeep? This would include bond repayments, rates and taxes, electricity and water, etc?

Every month that goes by without a sale could be chipping away at your capital.

Now is the time to be…brave, confident, grateful, tolerant and patient.

Think clearly… don’t be influenced, do your homework. Find out what properties in your area sell for. Always compare apples with apples. Ask questions. Interview more than one estate agent.

It’s important to get the right information, based on facts rather than hearsay.

Choose an estate agent that you are comfortable with.

Together decide what the right price of your home should be. You should base this on actual sales of property recently transferred.

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