Solar Power and the Insurance Risk

Our load shedding woes are unlikely to go anywhere soon. More and more property owners are looking to solar power as an alternative to relying on Eskom.

Just be careful that you don’t fall foul of your insurers in the process. I found an article on which lists 4 technical regulations to be aware of.  “Rules homeowners should know before installing solar power”

Solar installations are quite pricy. Make sure you work with qualified installers who know what they are doing. You don’t want any regrets if you ever need to claim from your insurer.

Another MyBroadband article offers some advice on whether to go the solar route. “What you should know before installing solar panels and batteries at your home”.

Some tips:

  • Choose well-known, tried-and-tested brands
  • Use reputable suppliers and installers
  • The installer must be a registered electrician.
  • Ensure you receive a Certificate of Compliance when the installation is complete

Also keep an eye on the developing story around proposed new Eskom tariffs and “feed-in” tariffs.

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