How Important Is The Suburb?

Most home buyers do lots of research before purchasing a property. They do this before attending showhouses or browsing the Internet looking for a home.

They look at the security of the neighbourhood – does it have boomed and gated-off roads? Are there cameras on the corners? Are there active security vehicles with armed security personnel?

What are the roads like? Are there any storm water drains and bridges that are crumbling due to lack of maintenance? Do the pavement trees get cut down? What is the maintenance of the parks like – does the council maintain open areas of land and parks?

Most astute buyers look out for badly-kept kerbs and poorly-constructed pavements. They do their homework before they start looking at properties in a certain location.

Pricing and budgeting is critical when looking to buy a home.

But these buyers find out the answers to these questions before they check prices online. They start looking at available properties only when they know the area well.

Some take months learning about areas before dipping their feet in the water.

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Resilience In The Property Market

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