Four Main Keys To Consider When Selling A Property

The sale agreement or Offer to Purchase (OTP)

Your home is probably one of your biggest assets. Make sure you understand the sale agreement and all the clauses. Not understanding the legalities could convert your sale into a lot of unnecessary expense and pain.

As a seller, you have the right to choose your own conveyancing attorney. This is a qualified lawyer who specialises in property law. They will manage the transfer of the property from you to the buyer. They do this by registering the transfer at the deeds office.

It’s important to select someone you trust to do the transfer.

The conveyancer will have a trust account. This is an account intended for the safekeeping of money. This would include the buyer’s deposit and extra costs. Interest accrues to the buyer until the property is registered.

You should also be aware of “voetstoets” and “bond” clauses.

Unsure of any clauses in the Offer to Purchase agreement? It would be a good ideal to consult an attorney to avoid any pitfalls.

Right timing

If you are selling, summer is a prime time to sell. People seem more relaxed during the summer, and gardens look green and lush.

Ask the right price

Sit down with your property professional. Find out what similar properties have sold for in your area recently. You want to price your property correctly, so that you get responses quickly. Your main challenge is to get “feet through your door”.


The saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” rings true with properties. So make sure you have a professional photographer to take the pictures. Get rid of knick-knacks and bric-a-brac.

Make More Money When You Sell
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