Create a Checklist Of Items When Moving

The time to start planning a move is usually four to six weeks before moving. Create “a file” of your moving plans.

Start off with the following:

  • Cancel your bond if you have one
  • Get quotes from various moving companies.
  • Advise people of your change of address
  • Inform insurance companies, financial advisors and alarm companies. 
  • Doctors, lawyers and dentists should also be advised.

With four weeks to go before moving, focus on:

  • Start sorting out all your possessions.
  • Make a stock list of all your furniture and appliances.
  • Confirm your booking with the moving company.
  • Pack the things which you seldom use.
  • Decide what furniture to keep and what to sell or give away.
  • Make sure all appliances are in good working order.

Three weeks to go:

  • Make sure you have notified people of your move.
  • Inform the electricity and water departments.
  • Start packing the things you often use.
  • Cancel any subscriptions.

Two weeks to go:

  • Make sure all is OK with your new destination.
  • Label boxes and pack items that you won’t need soon.
  • Check insurance policies, licences and Medical Aid.
  • Cut down on buying foodstuffs and keep to a minimum, especially perishables.

One week to go:

  • Clean oven and defrost fridge.
  • Check on jewellery and other personal belongings.
  • Pay essential accounts.
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