Covid-19 and the Property Market

During July 2020, after the complete lockdown, there was a dramatic increase in the demand for property. Most estate agents reported above-average sales for the 3rd and 4th quarters of the year. This trend has continued into 2021.

There seemed to be a strong demand for property. Also, the priorities of homeowners shifted almost instantaneously. People started needing more space to work from home.

Parents had to school their children at home. Gardens, larger kitchens, bigger family rooms and work-from-home offices became more desirable.

Some people started seeking coastal homes so that they could work in a relaxing environment. They needed a reliable Internet connection for work. This also allowed them to connect with family and friends.

The rest of us stayed at home as much as possible. We made what improvements we could to provide a pleasant work and living space.

Most people discovered a new way of working.

It is our belief that the demand for property will continue.

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