Buying or Selling Property Part 6: Buying Into A Complex

This is Part Six of our series on Buying or Selling Property.

Living in a sectional title complex comes with many benefits and some drawbacks.

With a free-standing house, you can insulate yourself from other people.

In the case of a complex, you will need to be able to get on with your neighbours. There are also various rules and regulations you need to abide by.

Our courts often have to sort out bitter, and unnecessary, disputes. Owners try to avoid complying with body corporate and homeowners association rules. This is usually unsuccessful.

Common areas of complaint are:

  • home businesses,
  • pet ownership and control,
  • vehicle parking,
  • noise,
  • nuisance reports and the like.
Buying or Selling Property Part 5 - Planning Your Finances
Buying or Selling Property Part 7 - Records And Paperwork

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