Buying or Selling Property – Legal Questions Part 2

This is part two of our series on legal questions and answers.

Here are two ways to avoid disputes when you are buying or selling a property.

Do I need legal advice?

Our courts are full of disputes that could be avoided with a simple up-front request for legal advice.

Your Offer To Purchase is a legally binding agreement. It’s important for you to understand what your commitments are. Don’t be afraid to ask your property practitioner if you don’t understand any clauses.

Can I make a verbal offer?

No. Every property transaction must be in writing, signed and dated by both buyer and seller.

Property transactions can be involved. Both parties need to understand their obligations to avoid disputes.

In Part 3 of this series, we’ll be taking a look at some other legal issues you should be aware of.

Buying or Selling Property - Legal Questions Part 1
Buying or Selling Property - Legal Questions Part 3

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