Buying or Selling Property – Legal Questions Part 1

“Owning a home is the keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.”

(Personal Finance Expert Suze Orman)

When you buy or sell your “home sweet home”, the process can seem complicated. This is especially true if it’s your first time. The terminology is confusing and the risk of making a costly mistake is intimidating.

You are after all dealing with one of your most important assets.

Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at some common questions and answers.

This will help you navigate the process, as either a seller or a buyer,

Here’s the first question…

Where can I get a simple guide to the process?

You can download The Law Society of South Africa’s  “Buying or Selling A House: What You Need To Know” in any of 4 languages. You can download it here:

Another simple guide is The Property Guide, published by PrivateProperty. It’s available at most book shops.

In Part 2 of this series, we’ll be looking at two ways to avoid disputes when buying or selling a property.

Buying A Property
Buying or Selling Property - Legal Questions Part 2

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