Big Mistake When Choosing A Property Professional

You might think the total number of properties sold is the best way to choose your estate agent.

The agent who only sold a few properties last year might not be your first choice.

But the agent who sold 40 properties in a given year also might not be a good choice.

The agent who offers the highest listing price probably gets more listings.

It will, however, become evident that the overpriced properties aren’t selling.  They remain on the agent’s books for a long time.

This means that the agent’s Success Rate – the number of sales compared to the number of listings – can be quite low.

An agent who sells 14 out of 17 listings has a higher Success Rate than an agent who only sells 20 out of 65 listings. 

Most property professionals will agree that every sales contract is different. Every client has their own specific needs, wants and wishes.

It’s important to look at referrals and reviews when choosing an agent. You may even call previous sellers and ask about their experience.

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