Be Careful of Part-time Estate Agents

It is common knowledge that there is a high turnover of real estate agents. Many people look at their local estate agent and believe they have a cushy life. All they do is drive around their areas all day long with their buyers. Some do occasional seller presentations and then sign big sale deals.

Some think it’s easy to sell properties

The question is whether the estate agent is in the property business part-time or full-time.

Is a part-time real estate agent flexible enough to do buying viewings? How fast do they respond to their enquiries? When do they visit sellers? How much time do they spend on marketing their listings? Do they work after hours? And where do you as the homeowner fit into their schedule?

The work that’s involved in managing and marketing the listings is very time-consuming. They must act with professionalism and give you the quality of service you expect.

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