Be an Informed Seller

If you’re in the market to sell your property, you may believe that it’s a buyers’ market. It may well be a buyers’ market – the good news is that people are still selling and the demand is quite good.

If you think it’s not a good time to sell, it may surprise you to learn that there are still motivated buyers looking to buy.

The three key criteria to a property remain condition, location and price.

It is true that buyers have a large choice of properties to compare and to choose from nowadays. And now with interest rates creeping up, they have become even more choosy.

Homes priced right are selling soon, but overpriced homes are discouraging buyers.

Serious buyers are still active in the market and they are buying

well-priced properties.

Homes that are in a good condition, in a favorable location and priced well are selling within a few weeks.

Fortunately, there are still interested buyers. This is keeping the market competitive.

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