When’s The Right Time To Sell?

Some people believe that summer is the best time to sell a home. Others claim spring. Still others argue that you never want to sell in winter. When you ask for explanations, you will find that these people are just repeating what they’ve been told.

There are in fact some solid reasons why it might be better to sell in the warmer months. Hopefully, the flowers in your garden will be in full bloom, the grass will be green and the sky will be blue. Your home will look its best and buyers will be bowled over by its charm.

In contrast, dull winter skies, bare branches and lawns covered with a carpet of leaves may be less alluring.

Yes, more homes tend to sell in certain seasons. But plenty of homes sell all year round.

With a skilled property professional, you can sell your home at any time of the year you like. Every season offers its advantages so don’t hesitate to talk to your agent if you are ready to sell.

The best time to sell your home is when you are ready to sell.

The fact of the matter is that all real estate is local. The best time of the year to sell a home in Gauteng is in the spring or summer. In other parts of the country, this could be different. You need to check the situation in your local market to find the best season to sell.

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