The Lowest Possible Commission

Often in life, you really do get what you pay for. Property professionals are no exception. On the surface, it may seem like a good deal to pay the lowest commission possible. But what does that commission get you?

A sign on the pavement and a listing and probably not much else.

Some agents are happy to take some pictures with their cell phone and list the property online.

In contrast, a dedicated and hard-working agent who is well-compensated is likely to produce better results.

A professional property practitioner understands how important this transaction is to you. They will treat it with the gravity it deserves.

They will want to develop a good working relationship with you and will work tirelessly to sell your home. They will provide personal attention and advice.

You can expect them to engage a professional photographer. They know that high-quality images will attract more buyers.

They will have a sales record and be able to show you references and referrals.

A skilled property practitioner will be able to value your property accurately. This allows you to market it at the right price – neither too high nor too low.

Your agent will be able to help you to get your house ready for viewing. They can arrange services like minor improvements and home staging.

You can expect quality marketing, better negotiations and often a higher sales price.

You can see why the commission matters when selling a house. Those who try to beat the system rarely ever save money.

What happens instead is that they end up costing themselves money.

When’s The Right Time To Sell?
Set Your Price As High As Possible?

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