5 Key Terms To Know When Buying A Home

1. Appraisal
  • A report on the estimated value of the property completed by a qualified third party.

    Lenders rely on appraisals to validate a home’s value.  This ensures that they’re not lending more than the home is worth.
2. Closing costs
  • The fees required to complete the real estate transaction. Paid at closing. 

    Ask your lender or bank for a complete list of closing cost items, including taxes, insurance and more.
3. Credit score
  • A number that’s based on an analysis of your credit history. This helps lenders to determine the likelihood you’ll repay future debts.
4. Down payment
  • Down payments are typically 10% – 20% of the purchase price of the home. Some 0%-down programmes may be available. Ask your lender for more information about what you may qualify for.
5. Mortgage rate
  • The interest rate you pay to borrow money when buying a home.

    Mortgage rates fluctuate. Consult a lender to find out how it can impact your monthly mortgage payment.
The Property Market Is Different to 2009
4 Further Terms To Know When Buying A Home

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