Questions To Ask An Agent

Selling your home can be an emotional time for property sellers. Buying or selling a home is one of the biggest decisions that most people will make.

The best way to start is to choose the right agent. They will help you to set the right price and make sure the marketing is professionally done.

Here are some fundamental questions a seller should ask the property professional:

Agent Qualifications

  • Are you a registered Property Professional?
  • Do you have a valid Fidelity Fund Certificate?
  • How long have you sold property in this area?
  • Please show me some recent referrals.

Setting The Sale Price

  • What can I get for my home?
  • How can you justify that price in the current market?

Current Sales In The Area

  • How many properties are currently on the market in this area?
  • What have similar properties sold for in the last 6 months? How long did they take to sell?

Marketing My Property

  • What will you do to market my property?
  • Do you require a sole mandate?
  • What period of time do you require for a sole mandate?
  • Who do you think will buy my home?
  • Will you give me weekly progress updates?
  • Do you pre-qualify your buyers?
  • Do you plan on having show days?


  • What percentage commission do you charge?
  • What other costs does a seller have?


  • Do I need to disclose any defects of my home to the buyer?
  • Must I give notice to my bank regarding my current bond on the property?
  • Do I need to continue paying home insurance?
  • What compliance certificates do I need to supply to the buyer?

Selling a home can be seamless. That’s why working with a professional property practitioner is the best way to go. They will answer the above questions to your satisfaction,

If you have a property pain, speak to Michael Shain!

What To Do If You Are STUCK Selling Your Property
Five Reasons To Use A Property Professional

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