3 Keys to Selling Your Home

A seller’s market occurs when there are more people seeking to buy than there are properties for sale. This usually creates a scenario which means it’s a good time to sell your home.

However, this doesn’t mean that sellers are guaranteed success no matter what. There are still some important things to know so that you can avoid costly mistakes and win big when you sell.

1. Market Your Home Properly.

Buyers usually scour the Internet for the latest listings.  A well-staged home will attract more attention. Professional pictures and videos are the first step.

Make sure your home is free of clutter when the pictures are taken. Buyers will not feel the same about your design and personal touches.

Clean and de-clutter so that they can visualise their own dreams as the walk through the house.

Your property professional can give you tips on how to prepare your home to sell it sooner.

2. Keep your emotions out.

Nowadays, homeowners are living in their homes for a far longer period of time than before. Since 1990, the average time a homeowner has stayed in the same home has increased from 7 to 12 years.

When you stay in the same place for a long time, you may get even more emotionally attached to your home.

There are many special memories that would have occurred.  Children’s birthday parties, dinners and other special events. So it may be hard to separate the emotional value of the house from the fair market price.

3. Price your home right.

When there is a limited number of properties for sale, it’s common to think buyers will pay any price you ask.

This is not true – you should still list your home at the fair market price.

This will maximise the exposure to interested buyers.

It can also create the best environment for a bidding war. This is more likely to increase the final sales price.

Ask your property professional to show what the best price is and get a win-win situation.

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