Liaising with conveyancers

It’s imperative for your agent to stay in contact with the conveyancers.

The conveyancers (or transferring attorneys) handle the transfer of the property. This is a complicated legal process which has many moving parts.

It’s important that the agent keeps all parties to the transaction fully informed.

Some of the basic steps in the transfer process include…

  • The conveyancers inform both the purchaser and the seller that they are proceeding with the transfer. They will request a copy of their identity documents.
  • They find out where the original title deed is – usually with the owner’s bank. They get the existing bond account number from the bank.
  • They get a copy of the title deed, and find out the bond settlement amount, if any.
  • They prepare the transfer documents for signature by both parties.
  • They ask the buyer and the seller to visit their offices to sign the transfer documents. At this point, the purchaser settles his account with the conveyancers.
  • They pay the transfer duty to SARS. They also apply to the council for the rates clearance certificate.

Above are some of the duties that a conveyancer performs. Once all the documents are in order, they finally lodge them with the deeds office.

Once the registration of the transfer has taken place, everyone can celebrate!

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