Applying for a loan isn’t scary…

Your credit history and score are important when applying for a loan. Building a strong credit history will impact your application. If possible, find out your credit score before applying for a bond.

Some of the paperwork that you will need includes the following…

Your bank statements, your current salary slips and your tax returns. Have these documents accessible once you are ready.

If you have any doubts about what you require, we will be happy to introduce you to our bond originator. He is very professional, and has helped many of our clients. Some of them have even been to their own bank first without success.

He will also explain the various types of loans and their terms and length (usually over 20 years).

There is a possibility that he will be able to get you a pre-approved loan from a bank. This will put you in a strong negotiating position when house-hunting.

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Not all renovations are the same

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