Get Your Home In Order Before Selling

Outdated features and finishes could affect what buyers are willing to pay. It is advisable to upgrade outdated features, especially in the kitchen and bathroom.

It is often as simple as retiling and changing handles and fittings.

Samuel Seeff warns though, that you should always keep it neutral. Taste and views differ dramatically. Buyers may not share your taste and brightly-coloured walls and tiles. Elaborate artistic features can also be off-putting.

The buyer may look at it and think “I am going to have to repaint and replace tiles”. They will want a discount on your asking price.

It’s a good idea to clean the garden and cut the lawn, and turn over the flower beds. You should trim any overgrowth. Edges should be neat.

Make sure to remove unsightly items. Bins should be neat and clean. The garage should also be clean and orderly. There is nothing worse than a garage being a “no-go” area when prospective buyers come to view the property.

Have the home deep-cleaned. This applies especially to the bathroom, kitchen, wardrobes, windows and floor tiles. Carpets must be steam-cleaned. Ensure that curtain rods and rails are in full working order.

Seeff adds that security has become an important feature. Owners should ensure that the property is adequately secured. Also make sure that everything is working, especially electric fencing and the alarm system. Good security is a strong selling point.

Buyers are also looking for off-the-grid features, given the electricity and water challenges. Water tanks and alternative heating such as solar are becoming high-demand features.

Now’s a Great Time To Sell
Property Survey And Possible Answers

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