What Needs To Be Done To My House Before Putting It On The Market?

Selling a home you’ve lived in and loved over the years isn’t a walk in the park. It’s hard. It gets emotional, and it could be complicated.

You may have questions that keep you up at night.

Many sellers are anxious about having to clean out and fix up their homes. So much so that it can prevent them from putting their property on the market in the first place.

But in most cases, there’s no need to panic. Very often there’s far less to do than homeowners think.

Give me a call before spending time and big bucks fixing up your place. Or just throwing in the towel and giving up before you start.  

I’m sure I can assist you – and that your property will bring in a good price.
Renovations Beware!
Now Is Still A Good Time To Sell

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