Buying or Selling Property Part 7 – Records And Paperwork

This is Part 7 of our series on Buying or Selling Property.

One thing is certain – the document you don’t keep on file is the one you will be desperately searching for in ten or twenty years’ time.

So when in doubt about a particular item, keep it. At the very least, scan it and keep an electronic backup copy.

These are the documents you need to hang on to:

• Title Deed (also called a Deed of Transfer) from the conveyancer.

• The full signed Agreement of Sale (Offer to Purchase) and annexures.

• The conveyancer’s final statement of accounts and invoices.

• All bank loan and bond documents.

• Municipal Certificate of Occupancy. This applies if you did any building work (construction, renovation, extensions, etc).

• Invoices for any improvements and renovations.
In a pinch, you can get copies of some of these documents but there may be delays and costs involved.

In the next part of the series, we’ll be looking at Buy to Rent – is it worth it?

Buying or Selling Property Part 6: Buying Into A Complex
Buying or Selling Property Part 8: Buy-To-Let?

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