7 Ways To Sell Quickly

  1. Know what similar properties have recently been sold for in your area – not what you think they have sold for.
  2. Prepare your house for a successful sale – Some of the things to do include:- fix cracks in walls, fix broken windows and light fittings – a new coat of paint is always to be considered as it still the cheapest yet most effective way of sprucing up a home. Pack away clutter and make sure your pool is clean and sparkling.
  3. A property inspection by a qualified property inspector is a good idea and is recommended as it will show transparency.
  4. Chose the right agent – Someone you can have a rapport with and a gut feeling that they are working in your best interest and not just chasing the bucks.
  5. If you are happy with them consider giving them a sole mandate for a few months.
  6. Listen to the market as this is the acid test as to what prices are going for. Sellers have control as it is in their hands to either accept or reject any offer.
  7. It’s advisable to price your property right in order to make the sales go quickly – get the correct advice from your trusted agent.

Please feel free to engage with me for any advice or information on any buying, selling, renting or investing in residential properties in Parkmore and surrounding areas.

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