5 Steps To Buying A Home

  1. Know what you want to spend – decide on the price range you are looking at. Discipline yourself to look only in that range.

  2. Location, location, location – What areas will you focus on? Are schools important to you? What are the prices like in the suburb? How safe is the area? How much traffic is there – especially during rush hour?

  3. Do you want a free-standing property or a community scheme?
    If it’s a community scheme – Check what rules and regulations you are letting yourself in for. The body corporate will hold you to them. Get the financial statements of the scheme to make sure it’s financially sound.
    If it’s a free-standing property, is it in a gated area and what is the security like? Find out about the crime stats. Is there a strong community association?

  4. Plans – always ask for copies of approved building plans. Make sure all structures and alterations are on the plan.

  5. Ensure that the seller completes a property condition declaration. This is a disclosure of any defects or deficiencies. Ask about defects like leaking roofs and damp walls. Make sure there are no issues with structures, foundations, drainage and plumbing.
Does Municipal Valuation Have Anything to do with Market Value?
The Sellers Condition Declaration

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